This is our veggie garden which we love. Mr bpab made the plots last year. We have heirloom lettuces growing in them at the moment (very tasty!). Artichokes are in the back corner there.
This is the curvy path leading from the house through the back yard, up to the very back. Any child that comes over to play has a ball running down the path (as it's down hill to the house) or rolling balls down it.
Up the very back is the paved platform where we hang out at times under the passion fruit vine and enjoy. The chiminea gets fired up mainly during Winter and we've cooked damper and roasted veggies in it.
I love all our back yard really! I love how we have an abundance of edible plants to use and our own little natural paradise in the middle of suburbia.
Wanna play too? Go on!
Look on the left side bar for the Eye Spy badge and it will take you to Cindy's blog. (Which is worth a read too!)
Thanks for the theme! If I had a vegie patch, I would have posted about that too. I am so keen to do one, but have a very bad gardening track record! Your patch looks great!
I love your chimneia too, looks like you could have some fun with that... yum damper... Thanks for the theme, it has reminded me of how much work went into our back yard! Inspiration now that we have started on the front yard! :)
What a beautiful garden! I love those raised garden beds - would like to do something like that ay our place. I'm sure the heirloom lettuces are much more delicious than their store-bought cousins.
Thanks for the great theme. :)
Wow, it's lovely! We're just about to add raised beds to attempt veggies (a neighbor's large tree blew down this winter so I think we'll have a large sunny area at last). I hope they turn out as nicely as yours!
What a delightful backyard... I've always wanted to set up a space with a chimneia thingy... maybe this will inspire me to do this winter.
Great eye spy theme. Thanks.
What a gorgeous garden! I especially love the winding path- nothing's more inviting than a stepping stone! The lettuces look scrumptios- Would you like to join the Veg About? Here's the link, and let me know if you'd like to be added to the list:
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