Basically we are putting together bags of goodies for the kids / babies who have been affected by the bush fires. These bags will be given to the Emergency Relief Centers around Victoria.
The aim is to provide some comfort and distraction while parents are dealing with what it is they need to face in the aftermath of their own tragedy.
So I am thinking along the lines of....
A bag of some sort which will have some items depending on their age group. (the bags should be re-usable like cloth, string)
Comfort: something to hold, cuddle, talk, imagine with (like a soft toy)
Distraction: something they can play, do, look at, read (colouring book, book, puzzle.... needs to be compact and light to carry)
I've asked the brands that I stock in my store to donate items for the packs and to assist any way they can. So am waiting for replies on this, but so far have gotten a few items as a start.
Now, what YOU can do is one (or all!) of the following:
1. Donate something for the packs:
can be new or second hand (MUST be in GREAT condition please)
Comfort - soft toy, teddy, doll (people who craft, this would be a great opportunity!)
Distraction - colouring book, crayons, pencils, plain paper book, books to read (all levels), puzzles.... nothing too heavy or bulky please.
Anyone who can get their hands on little bottles of wedding bubbles (they are the best!).
Make a library sized bag from fabric.
Clothing for all ages, summer I think. (Again if second hand, MUST be near perfect condition... please don't burden us with all your opp-shop stuff.... they still need you!
We are open to any ideas....... please email or comment here.
Send items to:
Rainbow Comfort Packs
70 Clifton Street,
Balwyn North, Vic. 3104
2. If you can not donate:
We are also listing some packs ready to go on the bpab web shop that will have only new products in them. They will be at cost price and basically you purchase one (to cover the cost of items) and we will include them in the drops. We will not be making ANY money from this. It is strictly for the Bush fire victims. Please do not abuse this service and buy for yourself (because you will not get it! hahahaha).
Please allow a bit of time for packs to become available at the shop, we will work as fast as we can.
If you have a blog or want to email people about this......

This little sign will be on the top right corner of my blog for people to lift and paste in their blogs etc. Please link it back to this post so everyone will get the info they need.
If you have any trouble, let me know.
Thanks so far for the great response, as you are aware the Emergency Centers are so over whelmed generous offers, so this is a way you can help a little bit down the track when they need supplies again.
Stay safe and happy,
Update post: tues. 10th Feb
Also: 11th feb -more drop points and update
Have linked up. I hope you are inundated with donations and purchases.
Have also linked up - hoping to help in anyway I can.
I have also added the logo and linked back to this page on my blog, will email my database as well. great idea!!!
Linked up !
Hoping to make a up a few things in the next few days to send your way .... Will also see what else I can get my hands on !
This is a very worthy cause and I have placed the logo on my blog. I will be sending a parcel to you later in the week.
I am a member of Schoolhouse Quilters and will email them this morning, giving details of your blog.
I have survived a bushfire and know what these poor people are going through.
I'm more than happy to spread the word and act as a drop-off point for people in the Northern suburbs. Being a "bags" gal and a mother, this idea seems a highly appropriate way to contribute what help I can. God knows something like this leaves us all feeling so helpless.
I have posted a link. I am not sure if my health will hang out to make something but hopefully this will help attract others.
Sorry for being so dense, but can you define "library size bag"?
Posted a link on my blog as well, I hope I can help in any way I can. :)
I have also created a link to this and will email it on to others - will you let us know of other drop off points as they arise? thank you so much for this!
i have posted a link on my blog too and plan to make some library bags to put the items in, when do you need them posted to you by? Email me with any info, great idea.
Brilliant idea. I will link up and I want to thank you for providing a way to reach out and help.
I have two bags ready to go but I was wondering if there was somewhere closer to Croydon that I could drop them off to? The postage to Balwyn is going to be crazy for the size package I have....
I've linked up too, and am heading down to my local party supply shop for bubble kits this afternoon ...
Hi - I have also linked up and planning an open studio day this Saturday to make bags and toys. I'm in the Newcastle area, NSW. Do you think Australia Post could come to the party and help out with free postage for this cause? The cost of postage will probably exceed the cost of the materials - would be nice to think that they could forgo the profits for this cause?
I've got some stuff to go IN those bags...I'll drop off in the next few days.
& depending where they end up going...I might be able to assist with delivery.
hi monica,
great post and I will be sending a box of comfort packs tomorrow to the address posted.
bless you
thank you for this..
adding a link to my blog now
hi i have added the widget
Hi Monica, count me in - what a great idea. I'll be sending some stuff and have also put a link on my blog to you.
Great idea.
I have added the logo to my blog and linked back to this page.
I will make some packs over the next few days and send them your way.
Hi Monica
I am going to make some bags, but in the meantime do you need a drop off point in the western suburbs? I live in Spotswood, just of the Westgate, or during the day stuff can be dropped of at work in Brooklyn.
Let me know if I can help
Creative Bliss
I have just emailed all my playgroup members and we are organising a bulk lot of bags headed your way :)
Might be an idea for everyone else to get their community groups involved :)
yeah for the Aussie mates who can't but help their fellow Aussies :)
I really need you to get back to me as soon as you get this. My class at school would like to send some toys etc and some packs.
I will print this for the teacher and there's about 10-15 people in our class. We agreed we should all make 2 packs. Is that enough?
I can print labels with what age range/gender etc and stick them on there for you too.
Is that okay?
Also, my email is:
Can I drop off some things at the address you gave? I have some good kids clothes I was planning on ebaying, this is a much better idea!
Wonderful idea. I'm a Canberra bushfires survivor, and know all too well how horrendous things must be in Victoria. Glad to be able to help in this way.
I've linked to you, and posted on my blog :) Thank you!
Great idea. I've posted your button.
Hi Monica. Hopefully I will be at Nicole's sewing bee and bringing along some stuff. It's a great thing you are doing. Just thought I'd mention too that apparently there's a real shortage of kids underwear - you might want to encourage people to pick up a six pack of kids smalls when they do their grocery shopping. I've also heard there aren't many PJs, so something else people might be able to pick up easily and cheaply.
Hi there, I wanted to add that if a packet of new undies can be included in the care packs that would be great!
You can easily throw a 3-pack of kids underwear in your supermarket shopping trolley, and BRAND NEW UNDERWEAR is something that the bushfire relief victims are crying out for. They've been inundated with secondhand clothing, but of course people don't donate knickers!
Okay, newest post refers to including new undies and jox for the little folk.... not sure how to link everything up so everyone gets all th e info??
All of you are amazing amazing people and I really appreciate the support you've offered in this project.
I have lots of wedding bubbles, so will put them in the post!
I would love to help out with this but I am not sure if I have missed the boat. Can you email me and let me know.
I have a heap of brand new books and a few brand new disney toys that I would love to post down to you that hopefully you can use as fillers. I won't even attempt to sew a bag as I have not used a sewing machine since high school!
I will pop them in the post tomorrow and add your info into my blogs shortly.
I think this is a wonderful idea and will be doing something to send. If someone finds out if Australia Post will send items for free I would be willing to be a drop off point for the Hills area in Perth.
Hi - some little sticker, pencils, pads sets etc on the way from the UK tomorrow. Hope they're some use to someone x
Money given to the Red Cross would be far better since the charities cannot cope with the quantity of goods they've already received. If you check the red Cross website you'll see they are specifically asking donors to not give them any more material items as they have no way of distributing them. Sorry. But I hate to see effort wasted. In honesty, money is what's needed now and everyone can afford to give something.
In response to Lucy Tartan, I have given money, but this is something extra that I choose to support. I am sure that these comfort packs will be filled with lovely new items which will delight the traumatised little children who have nothing. I have no doubt that they will find their way into the right hands. Sometimes money isn't everything.
I am still collecting, I have so far 10 packs pencils, 11 packs crayons, 10 plain scrapbooks, 3 colouring books.
A bag of things which should make up 5 packs, includes stickers, boy things, girl things, toys, colouring books.
Would you be happy to get girls and boys underwear? I hear they need it, but if this is more for entertainment things, I can donate those elsewhere :)
Will be collecting more similar things this week, should be in the post by the weekend :)
Also forgot to add that someone is giving me a pile of childrens books, Will go through them and make sure they're in good condition. They are used.
Hello, This is a lovely idea! I've received it as a fwd from a friend of a friend so the word is far and wide (interstate and overseas I notice too!).
In response to the latest listings from Lucy Tartan and Hot Fudge, I'd like to point out that your, Monica's, original post did say "as you are aware the Emergency Centers are so over whelmed generous offers, so this is a way you can help a little bit down the track when they need supplies again."
This is just what's needed I think. Everyone is so aware of the problem NOW. Kids and parents are going to need comfort and support months and months away, when the fires are no longer headline news. So thanks Monica, wonderful idea and our local craft group will be tagging along with you all!
Hi again :)
I have just sent you 2 big boxes full of reading books, colouring books and scrapbooks, pencils, crayons, hairties, stickers, pencilcases, toys, bubbles etc etc.
You should get it in a few days :)
Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of this :)
I live in the USA and I have been very moved by what is going on over there we have good freinds that are living about 45 mins from there and they are telling us all about it. We have a group that would like to send over some bags that are made up. We are looking forward to doing this.
We're having a sewing bee in Brunswick tomorrow, not far from where Nikki's was last week. Would love to see you!
See here for details
We are putting together some packs from our Mothers' Group - hope we are not too late. I'll have them to you by the end of the week. Do I just send them to the address on your blog page? Thanks, Louise.
It's not too late to send bags and other donations!
Send to:
70 Clifton St.
Balwyn North,
Vic 3104
Or if you live near any of the drop points listed in the right hand column of this blog, then save postage and drop off there.
Hi Monica, I have another bunch of stuff to send you, will do this in the next week or so. :)
Hi, I am hoping that you are still wanting donations...I think it is important to keep the thoughts, love and donations coming for some time yet...I will post soon, Coralie xx
Hi, I have been totally procrastinating, and have a number of things half done. Can I still send some parcels to you? I really hope I am not too late.
Good post
I have 15 packs coming your way for Grade 6/Year 7 kids that my kids have made. We have more but we are still sorting things out!
I will be dropping them off some day this week if that is ok ... you can email me at mlawson at stmichaels dot vic dot edu dot au
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