Sunday, July 27, 2008

This is.... my letterbox!

My first This Is!

We love our new letterbox! Waiting for that red flag to pop up is something special around our home.....
Recently someone thought it would be fun to kick our letterbox off it's steel pole! We didn't catch them in the act, but they left a shoe print on it.
Well it bounced right back and looks as good as ever!
Unlike our last letterbox.....

'Old woody' was a goodie, but obvious it refused one too many junk mail catalogues and was punished for it's effort. May it rest in peace..........

Thanks to Angela for our 'do what you want' theme this week - you too can join THIS IS on Angela's Three Buttons blog!

1 comment:

Anna-Lisa said...

Wow. Looks like a the letterboxes you see on lovely old farms!