It was my first time seeing the delightful faces of little ones (and their mums) when they opened their very own pack of goodies..... so heart warming, that I had to take a couple of photos to show you how you've touched so many in this thoughtful way!
A mum from Kinglake, who lost everything in the recent fires, took it upon herself to organise this meeting with her own mother's group. There were 10 packs in total (8 for 16 to 19 month old toddlers and 2 for 5 week old babies).
There are 8 families in the group. 5 lost their homes and 3 were fortunate to have theirs spared (but think how it would be to live amongst what was left and the clean up afterwards too, it would be very hard). Most have found somewhere else to live for the moment and contemplate future plans.
I found I knew 1 of the families in this group, but have not had contact with them since early on and through this family, had met some of the other mums too! Plus a couple of mums were customers of bpab! How special is that!
My little ones also got to see who got some of these 'mysterious' bags of fun! I took the opportunity to tell Chai (4) that these are some of the kids that have no toys because of the fire..... I've been telling her about it for so long (every time another donation package gets opened and we inspect the goods inside). I think she gets it....
Anyway, this mum's group want to say THANK YOU to you for bringing some magic into their children's lives at this time. It really does mean a lot.
That's a gorgeous story.
That is so wonderful Monica, thanks for sharing.
That is awesome. Good for you!
You are being awarded The Queen of Alll Things Awe-Summm Award. Go to my site and grab the award button and the rules :) Congrats!
Thanks for showing us these pictures.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed towards the beautiful packs,
my daughter Tali(pictured in top photo)absolutely loved receiving her pack.she loves kissing and cuddling her hand knitted santa and reading her duckling book.I also loved the beautiful top.So thanks so much.Its amazing how strongly we have felt the amazing sense of community and oneness since the fire,we were very touched by your kindness, Stacey
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